A few years ago I ran San Diego 100 Miler, it was the most difficult race I have ever done. It was very technical, hot during the day and extremely cold during the night. It was so cold that I couldn’t hold my flashlight with my bare hands. The one thing I didn’t do that could have made this experience a whole lot better? I didn’t prepare properly. I put my cold gear too far in the race that when I finally reached it was already too late, I already had endured many miles of cold weather and I am sure I was close to hypothermia by then. I wish somebody had told me this before. But here is the thing, I never asked anybody about it, I just went there thinking that I knew what I was doing.
This morning a friend of mine wrote in his status on Facebook that he was going to run that same race next weekend and asked if there was anything he should need to know before the race. I immediately answered and told him to be prepared for the hot days, the cold nights and the technical terrain. We exchanged a few messages and at the end of the conversation I had told him what my experience had been and what should he be prepared with. He had the common sense to ask, and he was getting buy tramadol in canada lots of feedback and advice. Smart man!!
In many occasions we tend to try to reinvent the wheel and go through life alone. That is definitely not a good way to do things if we want to save time and get ahead faster. Why reinvent the wheel when there’s a perfectly good solution out there to be borrowed or mashed up? A person that might already have gone through your situation might be a good mentor, find it and reap the benefits of knowing what is like to go through the experience through the eyes of someone else.
Mentoring is most often defined as a relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentee) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth. Finding a mentor will allow you to:
- Gain from their mentor's expertise.
- Receive critical feedback in key areas, interpersonal?relationships, technical abilities, change management, and leadership skills.
- Develop a sharper focus on what they need in order to grow.
- Learn specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to achieving your goals.
- Gain knowledge about unspoken rules that can be ?critical for success, therefore adapting more quickly to the situation.
- Have a friendly ear with which to share frustrations as well as successes.
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Next time you are contemplating doing something you have never done before, consider seeking the advice of someone else, someone that has already solved your problem.
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