I don't know what to do, I don't know what do, was the thought that dominated my mind what appears to be a long time ago while waiting for a plane to take me back to the city where I used to live. At that time, really I didn’t know what I was going to do. I had no place to stay, the only few things I owned were the clothes I was wearing and whatever I had in my luggage. I was coming home with nothing after I had gone to a far away land to try to save my marriage. It didn’t work, so now I was coming home to nothing.

At that time, I had come to the sad realization that my dream to become a professor was out the question, the brain tumor I was diagnosed with had left me with some serious cognitive issues that were insurmountable and I that dream was not going to happen. I was trained as a scientist, spent years in grad school and walked out with a degree that I couldn’t use any more. I considered doing all sort of things, I dip my toes in science consulting, I thought of becoming a financial advisor, go into medical sales, I even considered becoming a teacher. I ended up reinventing myself as a Coach and Employee Engagement expert; I found my thing.

When we are going thru a radical change, a change that takes us away from our comfort zone, it shakes us up, it makes us consider other options and opens up possibilities we probably didn't think about. In my case, I didn't have a choice; I had to do it. I was thinking of the possibilities; I was thinking “what am I going to do now?”, I had to.

We don’t have to wait for a life changing event to find our thing, life is about taking risks. We can make excuses no to do anything how to buy cialis on line about it, or we can do something about it, even if that something is a colossal waste of your time. Wait, did I say waste of time? I really didn’t mean that. Trying something new is how you will find your thing, but you got to take the risk, you got to do something. If that thing is not your calling, well you are walking away with a great piece of information, that thing is not your thing.

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I met a person once; she had been let go of her job, and she was on a quest to find her passion, her thing. She read a lot about it, she did all sorts of exercises about finding her new passion and a job, she reflected on the past and what made her happy, yet nothing happened. A few years later, she is still looking for her passion and a job. We need time to reflect, but taking too long might become a comfortable place where we can spend years and never make much progress. When you don’t know what to do, do something, even if you never did that before, even if you are scared of doing it. It might just be the break you are looking for.

For some, finding your thing requires a little less risk and a framework. I would recommend two books, one written by Dorie Clark, and the other by Dan and Chip Heath, they will help you find your thing and to make decisions better.

Now, what are you going to do to find your thing?

